Linux Magazine: [...] However, what desirable Oracle -- or other database -- features are still needed in MySQL?
Monty Widenius: Oracle has a lot more performance indicators than MySQL (which makes it easier to tune Oracle for different kinds of load). We want to extend the status information and tuning parameters in MySQL to allow advanced users to do similar things with MySQL.
Partition is also a nice feature that exists in other databases and we are working on having our own partition solution. (First version of this will be in 5.1)
Advanced replication with better conflict resolution and federated tables to other databases are also on the roadmap.
And of course, we are always working on making MySQL even faster for a an even broader set of cases.
Di concorrenza e transazionalità nessun accenno.
1 commento:
Concorrenza e transazionalità sono features avanzate che richiedono algoritmi di alto livello, che tra l'altro richiederebbero una riprogettazione dello "scheletro" dei moduli software di MySql: come fare questo in un software free, che quindi ha degli sviluppatori che lavorano e sopratutto sono coordinati secondo il modello open? S.
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